Wednesday, March 21, 2007

H E Double Hockey Sticks Week

This week has been horrible. I come down with a cold on Saturday afternoon. Everyday it gets worse. Yesterday was horrible. My eyes, nose, and mouth constantly burned, my whole body ached, I was either cold or hot, i had no energy, and devoured a large box of Kleenex.
Last night, my fever broke and I'm feeling a bit better today. I still am tired and worn out, my nose still feels warm, but i think the worst is over. I am taking today off, my fourth vacation day taken since Friday (good thing I had a few spare). Hopefully I will be able to get to work tomorrow, I'm going stir crazy.

My sweetheart is not faring to much better. She is having trouble keeping warm, and her head is clogged up so bad, it is making it hard for her to think. Unfortunately she has to go to work today, or she has to get a doctors note.

ugh.. what a week so far.

I ended up going in for a half day. Kept me from going stir crazy, but man it was a long 4 hours of work. hard to keep my mind in the work.

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