Life is cruising along at the speed of love these days. This week I have spent only the time needed to sleep and shower at home. My Sweetheart as was sick Tuesday night, Wednesday and Thursday, so I made sure to go over and keep her company when I got off of work every day. I had two events at church that kept me busy from 7-8:30 on Tuesday and Thursday.
We were going to go bowling last night, but Friday night is not a good night to go bowling. So we went ice skating instead as this bowling alley has an ice skating rink. Skating was fun, but the cold air got to my lungs and the skate killed our collective feet.
So after about 4 rings around the rink, we called it quits and headed out. We drove past where I work, she took me out past her parents house, and a couple other places from her childhood. It was nice.
Every day I spend with my sweetheart, my heart grows fonder for her, and I become more and more in love with her as that love matures from a simple (wow im dating again!) to something deep and special. She has a wonderful sense of humor, and like me, can break down into spontaneous bits of humor and fun at any time. (we had a sword fight with our straws in Olive Garden last night.. it was wonderful)
A bit of news for those of you not in the know.
My daughter turns 6 Sunday. I am taking her to see Disney Princess Wishes on Ice in St. Louis the weekend after that. It should be a fun weekend for me, as both my wonderful children are going, as is my Sweetheart. My extended family in St. Louis is helping me out by getting my daughter a cake for her birthday (so I don't have to travel with one).
My Brother is leaving his family. I think. Maybe. He is moving to Omaha Neb alone. He will be staying and paying rent with a friend up there, and his wife and 3 kids will be moving in with their dad in Wichita. I guess the plan is try out this separation thing for a couple months and if they like it, I am not sure. He did not say there were in marital trouble, just that not living together was cheaper and better for everyone (financially). I don't know about him.
Well thats all I have to say about that.
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